HomeInstallationHow to Install Node.js on Linux

How to Install Node.js on Linux

Node.js is known as a robust, cross-platform, open-source runtime environment for JavaScript which executes JavaScript code outside browser. It is based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine and widely used to develop scalable network applications.

Node.js is an essential tool in modern web development, due to its capability of handling concurrent connections efficiently making it suitable for such uses as chat services, online gaming applications and collaboration tools and its event driven architecture makes it scalable and performant especially for I/O bound (input/output) tasks this allows programmers use one language JavaScript enabling them utilize identical same syntax both on server-client sides.  A lot of supporting software from a host libraries made possible via NPM. Node.js is considered as pivotal technology for quick, scalable and efficient web applications.

Features of node.js

-> Event-Driven Architecture

It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it lightweight and efficient.

-> Single Programming Language

Allows developers to write both client-side and server-side code in JavaScript.

-> NPM (Node Package Manager)

Node.js has a package manager which comes by the name NPM that hosts thousands of free libraries and plugins like Angular making that easy to develop robust front-end applications when using Linux.

-> Scalability

Designed to build scalable network applications, it can handle many connections concurrently.

-> Performance

Leveraging the V8 engine, it performs well for I/O-bound operations.

-> Large Ecosystem

The extensive library of modules provided by NPM significantly enhances the development process.


  • A Linux Distribution: It supports a variety of Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora, etc. To follow this steps you require Ubuntu 20.04 .
  • Sudo Privileges: Administrative rights to install and manage software packages.
    • Hardware Requirements:
  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster CPU (single core or multi-core).
  • Memory: Minimum 512 MB of RAM (1 GB or more recommended for better performance).
  • Storage: At least 100 MB of free disk space for this installation. Additional space will be needed for project files and dependencies.

Start node.js Installation

Using the NodeSource Binary Distributions

1. Update Package Index:

2. Install NodeSource PPA

3. Install Node.js and NPM:

4. Verify Installation

Install node.js using the Default Repository

  1. Update Package Index

2. Install the packages

3. Verify Installation

Using NVM

  1. Install NVM

2. Load NVM

3. Install Node.js:

  • List available versions:
  • Install the desired version (e.g., Node.js 16.x):
  • Set the default version:
nvm alias default 16

4. Verify Installation:

node -v
npm -v


By following any of the methods above, you can successfully install Node.js on your Linux system. Choose the method that best suits your needs, whether you prefer using the NodeSource binaries, the flexibility of NVM, or the convenience of the default repository. Each method ensures that Node.js and NPM are properly installed and ready to use for your development projects.

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